Cost-Savvy and Effective Solution to a Wine Cellar Cooling System Leak Problem in Orange County

If you have a leaking air conditioning system, you should not take it for granted. If not repaired immediately, it can result in a costly service fee or replacement of your refrigeration unit. Make sure that your wine cellar cooling system is in tip-top shape. M&M Cellar Systems, one of the most reliable HVAC wine cellar servicing companies in Orange County, helped a homeowner in fixing a refrigerant leak.
How an Expert Fixed a Leaking Cooling System in a Yorba Linda, Orange County Home Wine Cellar
The wine cellar cooling system plays a crucial role in the proper preservation of your wines. Therefore, it must be in good condition at all times, or else you are going to experience a loss of investment or a significant expense in the future. Always check your equipment for leakage so you can take the appropriate action to prevent issues.
At Custom Wine Cellars Orange County, we work with HVAC specialists, like M&M Cellar Systems, in providing a solution to problems with refrigeration.
Excellent Performance by M&M Cellar Systems

A homeowner and wine collector in Yorba Linda, Orange County, California, did the right after finding out that his wine cooling unit was leaking. A refrigerant leak is a common problem in wine cellar cooling units because of the amount of humidity the equipment works with.
He called M&M Cellar Systems, one of our partners in HVAC maintenance and repair in Orange County. The founder and lead technician of M&M Cellar Systems is Mario, who has extensive experience and knowledge in wine cellar cooling. His team’s goals include providing quality workmanship and excellent customer service.
Detecting the Leak Problem of a Wine Cellar Cooling Unit
After receiving a call from the homeowner, Mario conducted an on-site visit to diagnose the problem. The wine cellar refrigeration unit installed was an HS 4600 system that was 2-3 years old.
M&M Cellar Systems uses three methods to detect Freon leaks, namely UV Light, Bubble Leak, and Freon Electronic Leak Methods. The UV Light method, which is also called the Spectronic Method, is the most precise among them. Mario used it in this particular wine refrigeration system repair service in Orange County.
When he found out that the climate control unit was low in Freon, he added a liquid tracer (usually a UV-detectable dye) to the condensing unit and let it circulate within the system.
After a month, he went back to the site. By using an inspection lamp, he found out that there was some dye (with the refrigerant) leaking out of the condensing drain and he was able to locate the location of the leak inside the unit, within the copper coils.
Providing the Perfect Cooling Solution to the Freon Leak in a Wine Cellar in Orange County
Mario and his team had to open the unit so he could have access to the leak and make the necessary repairs. Before doing that, they had to go to the condensing unit, which is placed outdoors for proper heat dissipation, to get the Freon out of the system. They set up the machine and the tank that would contain the recovered Freon
After hooking up the gauges to the system, they started recovering the Freon from the condenser to the clean cylinder, to prevent adding contaminants to the system.
After they disassembled the cooling unit and found the leak inside, they put it back. Then, Mario injected the Freon.
Why Experts in Orange County Use an Additive When Fixing the Leak of the Wine Cellar Cooling System?
When the pressure and Freon levels were good, they started adding an additive or a stopper into the condensing unit. The role of the additive, which is typically contained in a can, is to seal very minimal leaks in the system.
As a wine cellar servicing expert, Mario knew that he had to be very careful when adding those types of substances. He had to make sure that it was set up according to the capacity of the equipment. You cannot put the whole bottle of the stopper that is intended for a large system. If you do, you can clog up the cooling unit and the system will fail.
After sealing the leaks and putting back the components, Mario got the system running again. According to him, this particular refrigeration system repair service had a 50% chance of fixing the leak. If not fixed after a month, they will come back and check the Freon level whether it has leaked or not. If they find a leak in the future, the evaporator coil will have to be replaced.
If the leak stops, then his refrigeration system could be running for 5 or 10 years more. The homeowner saved a lot of money when he chose to avail of the repair service rather than replace his unit.
There was another cooling unit, which was also an HS system that controlled their media room or entertainment cabinet. The owner could not find anything small enough to be able to duct into his small closet, so he went with the wine cellar equipment that could work for a media room, which should not be set at low temperatures. Ideally, the temperature in media rooms is typically 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
In this wine cellar, the temperature is set to 57 degrees Fahrenheit, which is within the ideal range for a climate-controlled wine room. The wine refrigeration system was working, but there was a problem.
What is Freon and How Important is it in the Functionality of Wine Cooling Systems According to Orange County Experts?
A wine refrigeration system can function properly only if it has a refrigerant. Without it, your wine cellar cooling unit in Orange County will not be able to produce cold air. The most common type of refrigerant is Freon, which is originally in liquid form. At room temperature, it turns to gas, and when exposed to a cold environment or compressed, it goes back to its original form.
When your wine cooling unit is losing Freon due to a leak, it will not function and can result in poor wine cellar conditions if not fixed immediately. Remember, Freon is expensive. You can lose a pound every few months if your wine refrigeration system has leaks.
At Custom Wine Cellars Orange County, we recommend that you avail yourself of a regular maintenance plan to detect problems earlier and make necessary repairs that can prevent costly expenses in the future. It will not only save you from Freon leaks, but it will also keep your wine cellar cooling unit working effectively and avoid system breakdowns.
Hire the Right Person in Orange County to Fix Your Wine Cellar Refrigeration Problem
If you hire a wine cellar cooling unit expert, you will prevent issues caused by choosing the wrong-sized equipment or getting the wrong information from the wine cellar builder about insulation, installation, lighting, or heat load calculation. At Custom Wine Cellars Orange County, we work with specialists like M&M Cellar Systems. They have proven their reliability in providing remedies to wine cooling problems. They have extensive experience in HVAC refrigeration, heating, installation, and wine cellar servicing.
Do you need help with or have any questions about wine cellar cooling systems? Call us today at +1 (714) 202-0989