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Building and designing California commercial wine cellars require skills and knowledge. Vintage Cellars is one of our partners in wine room construction. They have completed various projects in Orange County, San Diego, and Los Angeles, which have proven their professionalism, passion, and experience in building impressive wine rooms for commercial establishments. Read on to learn more about Vintage Cellars and how the features they incorporated into the design to create exceptional wine displays in restaurants.
Vintage Cellars is composed of knowledgeable designers and installers of refrigerated wine rooms. They are known for their skills and passion for creating wine displays designed to help business owners generate more wine sales. Their goal is to build exceptional wine storage displays that will help retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and bars to increase profitability.
Tastefully designed California commercial wine cellars can bring spaces to a new level. Custom Wine Cellars Orange County collaborates with master builders in and around California. One of our long-time partners is Vintage Cellars. When you see their portfolio of completed custom wine cellars, you will be impressed with the unique designs they created. Most of their projects were for high-end restaurants.
In one of the California commercial wine cellars completed by Vintage Cellars, they built custom glass wine cabinets, adding a showpiece to the modern restaurant. The contemporary wine display will surely entice customers to view the bottles enclosed in glass.
The elegant metal wine racks hold the bottles in a label forward orientation, showing the wine labels. Customers can read the wine description without flipping the bottle. Remember that flipping the bottle will disturb the sediments and can alter the texture and taste of the wine.
Vintage Cellars worked with ZipCo Wine Cellar Services for this wine cellar construction project. Considered one of the most stunning commercial wine cellars they built in California, the wine room consists of a 4-story glass wine cellar at the center of the restaurant. It is called the ‘wine tower,’ which is literally four stories high.
The Redwood wine racks and floor-to-ceiling metal frames installed within the tower are visually appealing. Whoever dines in the restaurant will surely be impressed because of the luxurious and unique wine display.
The racking styles include single-deep wine racks for standard bottles, magnums, and other large-format bottles. High-reveal display rows and round Magnum displays were added throughout the racking.
Another wow-worthy project by Vintage Cellars was designed for a chic restaurant. Vintage Cellars built two glass-enclosed wine cellars installed separately in the dining area. The massive modern wine displays can be viewed from most areas within the restaurant.
Vintage Cellars utilized VintageView Evolution Black Rod full-reveal horizontal racking with a sleek composite racking on the back wall. The wine room can accommodate up to 6,000 bottles displayed with the labels facing out.
In this particular project, Vintage Cellars utilized VintageView metal wine racks decked out in various columns on top of a countertop. They installed Redwood wine racks under the countertop stained with fumed oak. The wooden racking consists of case storage bins for bulk storage. A rolling ladder was installed for easy access to the wine bottles located in hard-to-reach sections of the California custom wine cellar in a restaurant.
Building a wine room requires the help of a professional. If you are an owner of a dining establishment that sells wine or planning to put up a wine business, we recommend investing in a well-designed commercial wine cellar.
At Custom Wine Cellars Orange County, we design commercial wine cellars with form and function in mind. We create striking wine displays that can help generate wine sales. We design wood and metal wine storage systems using various racking styles to highlight the wines you sell beautifully. One of our goals is to build custom wine rooms that will help our clients generate more wine sales.
Our commercial wine racks made from wood are available in different styles and sizes. You may opt for ready-made or custom wine racks. You may also choose to combine them to create a custom look racking system without spending for the price of custom wine racks.
With proper planning, the proper placement of these wine racks will result in a well-organized and striking wine display. These are the kit wine racks we recommend for commercial wine rooms:
We use metal wine racks for building contemporary wine cellars. Many options are available for the styles, depth, height, and stain of these wine racks. Metal racking is in demand in commercial wine cellar construction because of its installation and design flexibility. In addition, it can blend well with any existing décor and is ideal for maximizing storage capacity.
Our top-notch suppliers are VintageView, Cable Wine Systems, and Ultra Wine Racks & Cellars. Let us know your requirements so we can customize our wine storage racks tailored to your needs.
Vintage Cellars is known for its reliability and expertise in building attractive and functional California commercial wine cellars. They always make sure that the design they make can help increase wine sales by attracting potential customers through eye-catching wine presentations with tastefully designed wine racks.
If you need help building a wine storage facility for your business, please call Custom Wine Cellars Orange County at +1 (714) 202-0989.